Thursday 21 March 2013

Sorry and my Holiday

I am so sorry I have not been writing for a while! I was very busy unschooling and on holiday. Let me tell you about that holiday, ah yes!

It was a wonderful beach holiday. I spent my days lazing on the beach, eating and relaxing. What a life it was. The children ran around digging and splashing. I could not have asked for a better two weeks.

Issac was not there, he was busy with his work, you can't expect a teacher to be allowed two weeks off in the middle of the term.

The lady who owned the house next door gave us ice creams everyday. The children often went round twice a day in hope that she would offer them another one, she always did.

I decided to let myself have a rest and give the children a treat by buying fast food like Maccers and KFC. It was quite nice. I know I should not have much or I will get fat, but I must say I have taken a fancy to it, which is strange because I never even thought about it before, oh well!

We once went to the cinema and that was fun, well all in all it was one good holiday! I am off to see what everyone wants for dinner, no KFC tonight! Oh well!!!!


  1. Ruth,

    Two weeks at the beach? Wow! That sounds wonderful. I am glad to hear you had a great holiday. I hope you feel refreshed and rested.

    God bless!

    1. Sue,

      It was a great holiday. Thank you! I really enjoyed it. We are going off again to my sister's. I don't know if you have seen her blog:
      She has a lovely house and garden and I am looking forward to it.

      Thank you for stopping.

      God Bless,
